Well alright, the game has so SO much potential, if you upgraded the graphics (a must) and added sounds it would definatley kick ass!
List of Stuff To Do
1. Make it so you can ollie of rails
2. Have pimp backrounds on levels
3. Dont make it so you can do 10 hardflips in one jump
4. Have each level have a theme song (like skater punk music)
5. Make it so as hes going he can spray graffiti
6. VERY HARD but add missions, like in THPS, like grind 5 water valves etc.
7. Add points of course
8. Add gaps
9. Make it so you can choose your player and choose the deck, wheels, barings, risrs etc using varibles, like if (wheels == 1) {
play the frame of the skateboard movie clip where wheel == 1 means that wheels are red
And thats all folks!